Indignez vous! by Stephane Hessel – the text

Update: I was asked to remove the text of the book from my page. I did it, although I think that Monsieur Hessel wanted everybody to have access to his text, and didn’t care much about copyright or the gains from it.

*you can download a docx version of the english text or listen to this reading here 🙂 Namaste

You probably heard already, especially if you are in Western Europe, about the latest editorial phenomenon which some call The New Little Red Book. It’s Stephane Hessel’s small pamphlet which is a rallying cry for French masses to combat social, political, and economic injustices, called “Indignez vous!”. An editorial phenomenon because it already sold in three months more than 600,000 copies and another 200,000 are already printed, as the english editions and the North-American markets are just being released.

by Paul Klee

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