ce sa faci in loc sa te uiti la televizor

Cu mici exceptii, tot ce poti vedea la televizor e o indrumare la nefericire – stiri “dramatice” sau chiar sadice, scandaluri cu pipite, filme fara rost, muzica fara rost sau politicieni ipocriti.

Ce rost are sa va petreceti timpul si sa va consumati energia pentru astfel de lucruri? Va e teama ca nu o sa va mai distrati? Va e teama ca o sa va plictisiti fara privitul la televizor? Va e teama ca nu o sa mai stiti ce se intampla?

Va dau cateva idei de lucruri care pot inlocui cu succes privitul la televizor si va pot aduce mai multa satisfactie:

  1. Traiti-va viata voastra in loc sa-i  priviti pe altii care pretind ca-si traiesc viata.
  2. Revendicati-va timpul vostru
  3. Faceti o plimbare, descoperiti locuri noi
  4. Mergeti la un curs de dans
  5. Faceti dragoste
  6. Duceti-va la un spa
  7. Invatati sa investiti
  8. Cititi o carte in fiecare saptamana
  9. Luati-va un al doilea job
  10. Gatiti
  11. Pictati
  12. Faceti sport
  13. Meditati
  14. Sustineti o cauza in care credeti si actionati pentru ea
  15. Filtrati stirile
  16. Luati informatia din surse constient alese
  17. Creati-va propriul standard de viata
  18. Vizitati un muzeu
  19. Creati-va propriul standard de frumusete
  20. Experimentati bucuria
  21. Cunoasteti-va vecinii
  22. Vorbiti cu ei
  23. Faceti-va noi prieteni
  24. Contactati-va prieteni vechi
  25. Explorati orasul
  26. Mergeti la concerte, la teatru
  27. Descoperiti muzica
  28. Plantati o floare
  29. Priviti florile, pasarile, stelele
  30. Babysit
  31. Cautati Calea
  32. Stabiliti o intalnire cu voi insiva
  33. Culcati-va devreme – treziti-va devreme!

si lista poate continua…

take me away with you

Silver Moons and paper chains, Faded maps and shiny things. You’re my favorite one-man show. A million different ways to go. Will you fly me away? Take me away with you, My love.

Painted scenes, I’m up all night. Slaying monsters, flying kites. Speak to me in foreign tongues. Share your secrets one by one. Will you fly me away? Take me away with you, My love.

Now I can’t think what life was like Before I had you by my side. Cant say what I’d do without you, Knowing what its like to have you. Hidden walk ways back in time. Endless stories, lovers cry. In my mind I’ve been set free. Will you take this Journey You and Me?

Will you Fly me away? Take me away with you, My love. Fly me away with you, My Love. Take me away with you, My Love.

It’s “sharing” time

“To meet the challenge of this century, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility” – Dalai Lama

Long gone are the days when we could make it more or less independently of one another. Today’s reality is so complex and so interconnected, that a different outlook is needed. On the material level even so. But also on the spiritual level.

Dalai Lama calls it Chi Sem (Universal consciousness or Universal responsability) and says: “Universal responsibility leads us to commitment to the principle of honesty. What do I mean by this? We can think of honesty and dishonesty in terms of the relationship between appearance and reality. Sometimes these synchronize, often they do not. But when they do, that is honesty, as I understand it. So we are honest when our actions are what they seem to be. When we pretend to be one thing but in reality we are something else, suspicion develops in others, causing fear. And fear is something we all wish to avoid. Conversely, when in our interactions with our neighbors we are open and sincere in everything we say and think and do, people have no need to fear us. This holds true both for the individual and for communities. Moreover, when we understand the value of honesty in all our undertakings, we recognize that there is no ultimate difference between the needs of the individual and the needs of whole communities. Their numbers vary, but their desire, and right, not to be deceived remains the same. Thus when we commit ourselves to honesty, we help reduce the level of misunderstanding, doubt and fear throughout society. In a small but significant way, we create the conditions for a happy world.”

Love you

Give a little time for the child within you,
don’t be afraid to be young and free.
Undo the locks and throw away the keys
and take off your shoes and socks, and run you.
La, la, la…

Give a little time for the child within you,
don’t be afraid to be young and free.
Undo the locks and throw away the keys
and take off your shoes and socks, and run you.
La, la, la…

Run through the meadow and scare up the milking cows
Run down the beach kicking clouds of sand
Walk a windy weather day, feel your face blow away
Stop and listen: Love you.

Roll like a circus clown, put away your circus frown
Ride on a roller coaster upside down
Waltzing Matilda, Carey loves a kinkatchoo
Joey catch a kangaroo, hug you.

Dandylion, milkweed, silky on a sunny sky
Reach out and hitch a ride and float on by
Balloons down below catching colors of the rainbow
red, blue and yellow-green: I love you.

Bicycles, tricycles, ice cream candy
Lollypops, popsicles, licorice sticks
Solomon Grundy, Raggedy Andy
Tweedledum and Tweedledee, home free.

Cowboys and Indians, puppydogs and sandpails
Beachballs and baseballs and basketballs, too.
I love forget-me-nots, fluffernutters, sugarpops
I’ll hug you and kiss you and love you
La, la, la… Love you.

nu vad pana nu cred!

da stiu, varianta pe care o stiti e: nu cred pana nu vad!

Titlul asta e exact pe dos decat am fost invatati sa gandim, inca de mici. Si asta pentru ca traim intr-o lume materialista, in care singurul scop pare a fi adunatul de lucruri si in care ceea ce nu poate fi simtit macar cu unul dintre cele cinci simturi e teribil de suspect.

Imi amintesc ce probleme am avut eu, mica fiind, sa inteleg ce e ala curent electric. Pentru ca nu il puteam vedea si astfel nu intelegeam. Dar asta se intampla atunci.

Raspunsurile noastre emotionale sunt cauzate de modul nostru de a gandi situatia si nu de situatie in sine. Cei mai multi dintre noi cred ca lucrurile stau invers.

tu cum crezi?

update: “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. It is founded on our thoughts. It is made up of our thoughts. If one speaks or acts with a pure thought, hapiness follows one like a shadow that never leaves.” – Dharma Patha